As I watched the blizzard Nemo roll over the Northeast and
bury it, I was grateful, once again, to live in the south. The winter in Tennessee
is about as much as I can handle. We’ve had only one snow this winter, which
accumulated about an eighth of an inch and melted away by 2pm ; enough to enjoy the prettiness, not enough to cause
the community to struggle.
Winter is a sluggish time for me. I do not enjoy the cold. A
sun lover, I feel oppressed by the many dreary, overcast days, the shortened
daylight hours, and the chill damp. For years I resisted my low energy during
these months and criticized myself for my lowered productivity, creativity, and
dulled spirits. The refrain in my head went like this: “what is wrong with
me?”; “where is my motivation?”; “I am so lazy!” As a substitute for
productivity, I spent time in self-flagellation.
A few weeks ago my friend Frank said to me, “you are just a
very seasonal person.” And I thought, “He’s right!” So instead of resisting my
winter doldrums, I’ve decided to roll with them. I’d like to borrow the wisdom
of the trees, the animals, the earth itself, which quiets in winter. It doesn’t
mean that nothing is happening. It is just a quieter, softer activity the earth
enjoys in winter, rejuvenation for the natural order of things. And I found
myself in that peaceful place of acceptance of what is.
My natural cycle is to slow in winter. Spring brings new
energy and creativity. By summer I am trying new activities or launching a new
project. Autumn naturally brings a time to clean out. You’ll find me rummaging
in closets and giving things away. And then I’m shutting down again.
Winter months are for reading and knitting. I find it very
important, on sunny winter days here in Nashville ,
to get out for a walk, to feel the sun on my face, and to take in the fresh
air. My lower energy, this year, is meeting acceptance from me as the natural
order of things. And already, just barely into February, I’m feeling some
stirrings of creativity and movement. Last week I saw the sun a little more.
And was greeted one morning by little purple crocuses waving to me from my
friend Kathy’s khaki colored front lawn. My heart stirred with joy. Spring
can’t be far off now.
For those of you who wrestle with the winter aversion blues,
you might try embracing them instead of pushing them away. Take naps. Cozy on
the sofa with a blanket and book. Spring is around the corner and energy will
return. Choose with me a kinder, gentler winter.