A deep, authentic forgiveness takes work. It doesn’t just
happen by wishing for it. It can often take years. One person from my life took
me quite some years, the result of work and some cursing.
Others have come more easily. But they have all taken
I like to write. Obviously. And I find writing a helpful
tool when I am working on things. I’ve found it especially helpful in dealing
with my emotions around the challenging people in my life. Here is how I wrote
some forgiveness into my life.
To begin, I made a list of people I wanted to forgive. The
list was fairly short but spanned decades of my life. I was ready to set old
wounds to rest.
For each person I wrote a stream of consciousness account of
how and when they had hurt me. For one of these people this was long and
detailed. For the others, the accounting was more about the consequences of the
hurt, the impact it had on my life.
This next part, I think, is the most important. I wrote how
I failed myself in the moment with each person. What I found with this is that
I often failed to set boundaries, to say no. I tended, in these moments, to
allow the other person’s bad behavior into my life. Then I wrote a promise to
myself with specific ways I plan to do better on my own behalf in the future.
This is likely the most important part of this whole exercise and calls for
some time given to reflecting. The power to not be a victim often lies within
After penning this account for each person, and assessing my
part in it, I also asked a trusted friend to hear my act of forgiveness. I read
over what I’d written and then I declared, in front of her, my intention to
forgive. There was something powerful about having a witness hear my intent,
like the power in a wave or gust of wind, like a force of nature. And I was
Forgiveness brings freedom, a deep-seated shaking off of the
old, a release of old resentments. Once these old ghosts are released, the
internal newsreel somehow stops, and I found that I was no longer captive to
the actions of others and became more empowered to embrace my own path.